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Our Resume Writing Process

Stage 1: Reviewing & Researching

In order to fully understand your career, experience, qualifications, skills, and achievements we will research your previous positions and companies. We’ll study your existing resume or information received in our form with the aim of understanding every little detail.

Stage 2: Asking Questions

We will consult with you either by online chat or phone to ask you any questions we have regarding your previous experience. We will try to extract as much information as we can from you to ensure the descriptions we write in your new resume are accurately representing your experience and skills.

Stage 3: Creating Draft

Once we have a solid understanding of your experience, qualification, and skills we will start working on drafting your new resume.

Stage 4: Reviewing & Finalising

Once we have completed the drafts of your resume, the drafts will be sent to you for proofreading and final approval.

Stage 5: Revising

You review your new resume and ask us to make any changes that you wish (free of charge until you are 100% satisfied.